Import Ratedeck with option of call type


We are excited to introduce a significant enhancement to our system with the "Import Ratedeck" feature, now equipped with the added flexibility of importing Call Type records. This update streamlines the management of your data by allowing seamless integration of Ratedecks with associated Call Type information. 

Key Benefits: 

  • Import Ratedecks with Call Type: Users can now include Call Type information while importing Ratedecks, providing a more comprehensive and efficient data import process. 

  • Effortless Integration:  The system allows users to effortlessly integrate Call Type records into their Ratedecks, eliminating the need for manual data entry. 

How to Use the "Import Ratedeck" Feature with Call Type:- 

  1. Accessing the Feature: Go to Tariff > Ratedeck  


Import Ratedeck page


  1. Click on Import Ratedeck option of call type

  2. First download sample file to understand format of file 

  3. To import the " Ratedeck with option of call type " field in  ratedeck, please add Call Type records by navigating to the following page: Tariff > Call Types. 

  4. Now, open the CSV file and add the 'Call Types' field, which should contain the record names created above, along with other fields. 

  5. Now navigate to the "Import Ratedeck" section. 

  6. Select the Ratedeck csv format file you want to import.

  7. Click on Import button 

  8. Now check Import Ratedeck Preview 


Import Ratedeck Preview


  1. Now click on Process button 

  2. Now you can check your ratedeck records are imported successfully. 

Watch below video for better understanding.