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Admin's SMTP will use if reseller's SMTP is not configured


  • Users will now experience improved email notification functionality, ensuring uninterrupted communication even in cases where a reseller's SMTP details are not configured. The system will automatically utilize the admin's SMTP settings to facilitate email notifications. 



  • Fallback Mechanism: 

  • In scenarios where a reseller's SMTP details are not configured or incomplete, the system seamlessly falls back to using the admin's SMTP settings. This ensures uninterrupted email notifications and communication. 


  • Increased Reliability: 

  • The enhanced email notification configuration improves overall system reliability, reducing the likelihood of missed notifications due to incomplete SMTP configurations. 



How it works? 

  1. Reseller SMTP is enable but not configure ==> Admin SMTP details will use

If reseller-specific SMTP details are not configured or are incomplete, then system will automatically use the SMTP settings configured at the admin level for email notifications. 

  1. Reseller SMTP enable and Configured ==> Reseller SMTP details will use

If reseller-specific SMTP details are configured correctly and SMTP is enabled, then system will automatically use the SMTP settings configured of reseller.

  1. Reseller SMTP disable ==> Email notification will not work in any case either in admin and reseller.

If reseller-specific SMTP details are configured correctly and SMTP is disabled, then email notification will not work for reseller’s customer in any case either in admin and reseller.

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