Purpose :
- Destination number and/or Caller number together can be considered to get the rates to be applied.
How it will work/Install/Configure :
- When you call on some numbers and their Caller ID matches the rates on which Caller ID is configured then it will consider that Caller ID pattern match rate.
- You can configure called id based billing from origination rates.
Menu Location:- Tariff → Origination rates.
- The above Screenshot shows that whenever the Caller ID pattern matches to 1212 then it will consider the rates for 1.
- If Caller ID doesn’t match then it will consider normal rates without Caller id.
- That means, dialled number starts from 91 and caller id is 1212, it will take charges as per code 1, even though the code starts with 91.
- And if there will be no caller id, then it will consider rates according to 91 code rates.
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