Customer Management

Customer Management


In the ASTPP system, the customer holds a central role, being a key entity and the focal point of the entire system. The emphasis is placed on robust customer management to streamline processes and enhance user experience. This strategic focus on customer-centric features aims to provide administrators with comprehensive tools for efficient customer management.


The purpose of prioritizing customer management in ASTPP serves multiple essential objectives:

  1. Central Entity Significance

    • Key Component: Customers are recognized as fundamental entities within the system, and their significance is paramount to the overall functionality.

    • System Focus: The system places a primary focus on customer management, acknowledging the pivotal role customers play in the service ecosystem.

  2. Administrative Efficiency

    • Reduced Admin Efforts: The integration of extensive features and access for admins is aimed at minimizing administrative efforts in customer management tasks.

    • Streamlined Processes: Customer management functionalities, including profile management, balance management, and data import/export, contribute to a streamlined and efficient administrative workflow.

  3. Comprehensive Access

    • Feature-Rich Access: The design philosophy is to provide admins with as many features and tools as possible to facilitate seamless customer management.

    • Holistic Approach: Admins are empowered with tools such as bulk creation, ensuring a holistic approach to customer management with diverse capabilities.

  4. Enhanced User Experience

    • Customer-Focused Features: Features like profile management contribute to an enhanced customer experience, allowing users to have control over their profiles and preferences.

    • Balanced Approach: The balance management feature ensures that customers can easily monitor and manage their account balances, promoting a user-friendly interface.

How will it work?

Customer List

Here is customer list page which can list out all the prepaid and postpaid customer. For admin, it will list all customer data inclusive of reseller’s customer also. customer list page has grid list which contains key information of the customer like customer type (prepaid/postpaid), Account Number, First Name, Last Name, Company, Rate Group, Balance, Credit Limit, First Used, Expiry Date, CC, Localization, Reseller, Created Date, Status

Important Functional Buttons:

Create Customer

Allow to add new customer profile to the system.

Mass Create

Allow to create multiple customer to the system.

Import Customers

Allow to import customer profile to the system from external system. It required specific data in .CSV format.

Create Provider

Allow to create carrier profile to the system. ASTPP system support provider as a customer also so this profile will also works as a customer for carriers when they will terminate calls on admin’s system.


Allows to export customer/ provider data in CSV format. ASTPP system allow to search base export so you can export selected data using this button.


Single or multiple selected accounts will be deleted using this button. along with the account delete all account related data will be removed from the database.

DELETE When you delete any account from the ASTPP system it will remove all relevant data from the system and turnoff the account from system. though we are not doing hard delete the data from database so the account will be still there on database but the relevant data will be lost when you delete any profile.

Account Type ASTPP system support two type of accounts (Prepaid/Postpaid)

Prepaid Accounts: Prepaid mode is like pay as you go. users have to top-up their account as per the usage and after the Top-up they can use the balance. so this type of accounts required sufficient balance must for any action.

Postpaid Accounts: Postpaid mode works based on the credit limit defined for this account. system allow users to use any of the services till their credit limit not reach to defined max limit. for postpaid customers system generate invoices on their billing date and they have to clear their outstanding first to continue or maintain their account

Create Customer

You can find button on top header of the grid with name create customer when you click on it system will open a page where you can fill required information and click on SAVE button to add customer on system.




Reseller are nothing but is the parent of this specific customer. if the specific account needs to create for admin then select option should be admin and if the account s going to add for any of reseller then you have to select specific reseller account so that customer profile will be added under the selected reseller.


Account Number is 10 digits unique identifier string. It can be their phone number or random generated string or the custom unique string.


The password that needs to be provided to the customer so he/she can log into portal.


Calling Card Pin Important if customer is using calling card feature. Length of pin is configurable, admin can change it from calling card configuration.


E-mail address of the users which use to do login also.

Create SIP Device


By selecting check-box sip device is automatically created for that new user account.


If you have set option “No” then system will not create any sip device for the account.




Concurrent Calls

Defined the number of concurrent calls to allow the particular customer.


It will manage the calls within the call per second.


It will manage the number translation for caller id and destination number.

Allow Local Calls

Allow customers to do local calls or not based on the selection.


Allow to send the notifications to the customer.

Payment Gateway Permission


By setting option “YES” customer will have an access to do payment using available payment gateway.


By setting option “NO” customer will not able to do any kind of payment using available payment gateway.




Concurrent Calls

Defined the number of concurrent calls to allow the particular customer.

First Name

Customer First name

Last Name

Customer Last name


Customer Company name


Customer Phone number

Notification Email

Customers can define the notifications email here.

Address 1

Customer address

Address 2

Customer other address (If any)


Customer City name


Customer Province name

Zip Code

Customer Zip Code name


Customer Country


Customer Timezone


ASTPP does not support daylight saving by default. You will need to change the account timezone manually to handle that. 




Account Type

Select customer account type. Prepaid OR Postpaid. For prepaid customers, system will generate receipts as soon as any charges will be applied to them. For Postpaid, system will generate invoice on defined Billing Day.

Credit Limit

Customer account’s credit limit. Credit limit is only used for the postpaid account.

Rate Group

Rate group is an essential field for billing. Without rate group customer wouldn’t be able to make any calls. You can create rate group by navigating to Tariff -> Rate group.

NON-CLI Rate Group

Rate Group selected based on the CLI Pool selected options.

CLI Pool

To select the rate group or NON-CLI rate group based on caller id number.


DID (CLI Match, If not matched then use random allocated DID)

It will match caller-id with before processing call and if CLI matched with the stored list then it will use same CLI else system will use any one random DID number from which are assigned to same account.

Caller Id (CLI Match, If not matched then use random allocated Caller Id)

It will match caller-id with before processing call and if CLI matched with the stored list then it will use same CLI else system will use any one random caller-id number from stored CLI for the specific account.

Use NON-CLI Rate Group (If CLI not match with DID)

If the CLI not match with any of the allocated DID number then system will process the call using NON-CLI Rate Group.

Use NON-CLI Rate Group (If CLI not match with Caller ID)

If the CLI not match with any of the stored CLI number then system will process the call using NON-CLI Rate Group.

Use NON-CLI Rate Group (If CLI not match with DID & Caller id)

In this case system will look up Caller-ID with in allocated DID list and stored Caller-ID. if the number match with any of the possibility then it will use same Caller-ID else it will process call using NON-CLI Rate Group.

Reject Call (If CLI not match with DID)

If CLI not match with any of the allocated DID number the Reject the call.

Reject Call (If CLI not match with Caller ID)

If CLI not match with any of the stored Caller-ID list then Reject the call.

Reject Call (If CLI not match with DID & Caller id)

If CLI not match with any of the allocated DID number or stored Caller-ID then Reject the call.

Billing Schedule

Billing schedule for invoice generation.

Billing Day

If billing schedule is monthly then you will be able to define the day on which you want customer invoice should be generated.

Tax Number

Display the tax number in invoices.

Generate Invoice

Allow to generate invoices for zero amount.

Invoice Note

It will be display invoice note while generate the invoices.


To define the reference for the customer.

Account Type

Select customer account type. Prepaid OR Postpaid. For prepaid customers, system will generate receipts as soon as any charges will be applied to them. For Postpaid, system will generate invoice on defined Billing Day.

Credit Limit

Customer account’s credit limit. Credit limit is only used for the postpaid account.

Customer Edit

Left Panel Menu

Left Panel Menu

Customer Profile

Customer profile having all the information related to account profile.

Personal information, Billing related information, Account related settings.

SIP Devices

Whatever the SIP extension has been created for the specific account has been listed here and admin can manage it on behalf of client from here.

IP Settings

White listed IPs for this specific account has been listed here. Admin can add/remove any records from here for the same account.

Caller IDs

White listed CallerIDs for the same account has been listed here.

Force Caller ID

If any Force CallerID has been configured for this account then user can find it here.


If any DIDs associated with the same account then it will listed here with few important fields.


If any Product has been ordered by the same account or any product as been added on same account then it will be listed here.

Speed Dial

Client can configure speed dial for the same account from this section.

Blocked Codes

If any destinations are blocked for the same account then it will be listed here only.

Alert Threshold

User can configure alert threshold for the low balance notification from this section.


Generated invoices will be listed here.

Refill Report

If any Top-up has been done either way on user account then it will be listed here.

Charge History

Charge history contains all details for the day only regarding every financial transaction has been done by customer.


Daily CDRs has been display here


Email for the day which are sent to customers from system has been loaded here.

Mass Create

This function allows to create multiple customer with single click.



Number of Account

How many number of account you want to generate.

Start Prefix

Set the prefix from where the account number should be start.

Account Number Length

Set the number of string length for the account number.

Generate PIN

If you want to generate calling-card customer then set option “YES” so it will create PIN number for all accounts.

Valid Days

Valid days for customer account.


Set currency for the new accounts.


Set country for new accounts.


Set proper timezone for new account.



Account Type

Set type of account (Prepaid/Postpaid)


Set initial balance if you want to offer at the time of account creation.

Credit Limit

For postpaid customers you can set credit limit.

CLI Pool

Rate Group

NON-CLI Rate Group

Billing Schedule

Import Customers



Click on “Process Records” Button and system will parse the uploaded CSV and start importing the customer profile into the system. Next screen it will redirect you where you can find the status of the process whether is it completed or not? if not they what is the reason.

Create Provider

Provider is carrier where admin going to terminate traffic. ASTPP allows you to create profile for your carriers which is helps to manage accountability and comparison of billing. Also ASTPP allows to manage provider as a customer so the form fields are almost same there are no major difference. you can create provider profile same as a customer.


Export features allows to export Customer or Provider data into .CSV format.


Delete feature allows to delete customer or provider profiles from the system. When you delete any account from the ASTPP system it will remove all relevant data from the system and turnoff the account from system. though we are not doing hard delete the data from database so the account will be still there on database but the relevant data will be lost when you delete any profile.

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