Origination Rate Importer

Origination Rate Importer


This functionality is designed to streamline the process of importing rate sheets, especially when dealing with frequent updates from upstream providers. With the dynamic nature of VoIP billing platforms, administrators often receive rate updates, ranging from bi-monthly to bi-annual, necessitating a quick and efficient method for integration. The Rate Import with Field Mapper facilitates this by allowing administrators to map fields from the rate sheet provided by the upstream provider to corresponding fields in ASTPP during the import process. This eliminates the need for administrators to prepare a separate sheet compatible with ASTPP, providing a seamless and hassle-free experience.


The primary purpose of the Rate Import with Field Mapper feature is to simplify and expedite the rate sheet import process within ASTPP. Admins or sub-admins with billing manager roles and even reseller

can now directly use the rate sheet provided by upstream providers without the need for manual preparation. By leveraging the Field Mapper functionality, administrators can effortlessly map fields from the incoming rate sheet to the corresponding fields in ASTPP during the import operation. This not only saves time but also ensures accuracy and consistency in handling rate updates. The feature enhances the adaptability of ASTPP to the varying frequencies of rate updates, offering an efficient solution for managing dynamic rate changes in the VoIP billing environment.

How will it work?

Tariff -> Origination Rates

Click the "Import" button located at the top-left corner of the table.

Upload the Rate Sheet and select the Effective Date-Time, Rate Group, and Trunk while Import.

After uploading the Rate Sheet, proceed to the Field Mapping page to map the columns to their respective ASTPP fields. You also have the option to assign a default value for a specific ASTPP field instead of mapping a column value.

After completing the field mapping, click on the Process Button to upload the rates.

Done, Rates are imported successfully.

Who can use this feature?

Import Origination Rates feature is accessible to Admin, Sub-Admin and Reseller.

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