FreeSWITCH Servers

FreeSWITCH Servers



ASTPP provides configuration settings for linking various components to FreeSWITCH through the event socket. This integration serves the purpose of reloading or rescanning FreeSWITCH profiles and directories after any relevant changes have been applied by the user through the graphical user interface (GUI). The configuration accommodates multiple FreeSWITCH servers, particularly beneficial for cluster setups.


The primary purpose of configuring FreeSWITCH servers in ASTPP is to establish a seamless connection between the two systems. By utilizing the event socket, ASTPP can communicate with FreeSWITCH to implement changes effectively. This feature ensures that modifications made through the ASTPP GUI, such as reloading or rescanning profiles and directories, are promptly reflected in the FreeSWITCH setup. Additionally, the ability to manage multiple FreeSWITCH servers is essential for scenarios involving cluster setups, providing flexibility and scalability to the telephony infrastructure.

How will it work?

Switch→ FreeSwitch Servers

FreeSWITCH Server Information

FreeSWITCH Server Information




If accessible internally configure local IP; In a single server setup, it can be

Public IP

This can be the same as 'Host' or remain without any value


FreeSWITCH event socket password


The default is 8021 or if any custom can be configured here

For cluster, the GUI/Portal server needs to have access to the FreeSWITCH server's 8021 TCP port via router/firewall


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