

WHMCS is an all-in-one client management, billing & support solution for online businesses. Handling everything from signup to termination, WHMCS is a powerful business automation tool that puts you firmly in control.


  • Create an account
  • Account activity
  • Recharge product
  • Invoice management

Key Feature

  1. Direct Create WHMCS account into ASTPP
  2. ASTPP invoice merge into WHMCS invoice
  3. Direct ASTPP account recharge in WHMCS
  4. Direct redirect  ASTPP user panel in  WHMCS customer login

Step to install WHMCS Addon

Get Addons →  Enterprise →  WHMCS →  Install


Configuration → Settings → Whmcs

  • Need to set ASTPP URL in WHMCS config file here is file path WHMCS_MAIN_FOLDER/config_file.php change ASTPP server URL with your ASTPP URL





Set WHMCS URL with admin path Ex:

WHMCS Username

WHMCS admin user name

WHMCS Password

WHMCS admin password

Step to install and use

  • After install WHMCS addon in ASTPP side add new setting menu (WHMCS)
  • Set WHMCS information in ASTPP side
  • Then go to /opt/ASTPP/web_interface/astpp/addons/Enterprise/whmcs/web_interface/ and copy whmcs folder file in WHMCS server in appropriate place same as whmcs folder

  • After accept order same customer create into  ASTPP side
  • Need to set ASTPP URL in WHMCS config file here is file path WHMCS_MAIN_FOLDER/config_file.php change ASTPP server URL with your ASTPP URL.

  • Then login into WHMCS side and create  ASTPP server for connect WHMCS ASTPP server(Server name should be ASTPP)

    Setup → Product/Services → Servers

  • After create server, Need to create AstappAccount product at WHMCS side for create account in ASTPP and need to create AstappRecharge product at WHMCS side to recharge ASTPP account.

    Setup → Product/Services → Product/Services

    Before create product need to create one group for identification

    Group Information

Product Create/Edit

  1. ASTPP Account Create/Edit Product

    Module Setting : Set Module Name- AstppAccount and after select below option for default set value when create new account

  2. ASTPP Account Recharge Product

After create product go to pricing tab and set amount with recharge in ASTPP side.

For more balance option You need to create different top ups at the same way like in below we are adding 1 USD balance topup , Same way you can create 10 , 20 ,30, etc price topup.

Module Setting : Set Module Name: Set Module Name-  AstppRecharge for create product for recharge


Order → Add New Order

  • After create product now need to generate order for both Account Create OR Account Recharge

  • After Submit order need to Accept order for create same WHMCS customer into astpp side(Create same customer one time in ASTPP side)

  • After accept order same customer create into  ASTPP side.

  • Using WHMCS recharge product Admin/Customer can recharge account same as Create account product order process.
  • After successfully purchase create account product and create account successfully ASTPP call charges push in WHMCS invoice when generate auto generate invoice in WHMCS side
  • Admin can generate manual Invoice for ASTPP call details manually fetch in WHMCS invoice
Client Profile → Invoice → Create Invoice

  • If customer use WHMCS addon then must need to stop Process invoice script in ASTPP side otherwise invoice and balance not manage properly in ASTPP side and in WHMCS side
  • In WHMCS client edit admin can be delete or inactive customer so same changes impact on ASTPP side.
  • In WHMCS client login client able to direct login in ASTPP client portal on click on Voip Account or click on Login VoIP button

After clicking on to the voip account your whmcs portal will redirect to the astpp customer portal dashboard page like below.

  • Please check related configuration video in below:

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