Customer Dashboard

Customer Dashboard

The customer login dashboard offers real-time data readily available for their use, as follows:

  • Today's call

  • Concurrent Calls

  • Products

  • Devices

  • Balance

  • Active Packages

  • Available Packages

  • Available DIDs

  • Calls Credit Limit

  • Country-wise Usage






Today's Call

This data is entirely real-time, providing continuous updates without the need to refresh the page, reflecting changes in counts instantly as they increase, which includes:

Concurrent calls

Concurrent calls refer to the number of ongoing or active calls that are taking place simultaneously at the moment by the customers of the reseller. In other words, it represents the number of calls that are being handled concurrently or running at the same time.

This data is entirely real-time, providing continuous updates without the need to refresh the page, reflecting changes in counts instantly as they increase or decrease.


Number of Active Products under the customer account

Total Calls

Total calls refer to the overall count of all calls made or received, including both inbound and outbound calls.


Debit refers to the revenue generated by the admin from customers or resellers for the utilization of services.


Cost represents the amount the Admin is obligated to pay to the providers for utilizing their services.


Profit represents the net financial gain or earnings, considering the total revenue minus the associated costs and expenses.

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