


Decimal Points

Set decimal points to use throughout the system (Default value: 4)

Base Currency

Set base currency of the system

Please be sure to setup the base currency at the time of the initial setup. The entire system will do currency conversion based on the selected base currency. 

If you will update the base currency after putting the system in production then it may mess up all amount related modules such as Accounts for Balance, Invoices, CDRs, etc. 

Refill Coupon Length

Set the length of the Refill Coupon number. Refer Refill Coupon

Minimum Fund Transfer

Set minimum fund transfer amount. Customers will not be able to transfer funds less than the defined value. 

Default Invoice mode

Select the invoice mode: 

  • Draft: This mode will allow you to edit the invoice before sending an invoice to the customer. Once you done with editing, you can change the mode of an invoice to confirm, and then an invoice will be sent to Customer and visible in the Customer portal. 
  • Confirmed: This mode will not allow you to edit the invoice. After generating an invoice, the system will directly send invoices to customers and make invoices visible in the Customer portal.

Log Path

Define log file path

Password Strength

Set Password security type:

  • Moderate
  • Strong (Recommended) 
Currency conversion loss percentageDefine the percentage to allow for currency conversion losses

Fixer Key

To support currency conversion we have done the integration with Fixer. https://fixer.io/

You can get the API Key from Fixer and configure it here. 

ENTERPRISE Edition has inbuild integrated with Fixer. They do not require to configure it. 

Number of the Default Rows

By default, the selected number of rows will be listed on the list view

Account Number Editable

Set it to Yes If you want to have the account number field in editable mode

Mobile Dialer

ENTERPRISE Set it to Yes if you have Mobile SIP dialer from us. Click here to know more about Mobile Dialer.

Invoice DebugWhether to write Invoice Debug logs or not
Audit LogSet enable if you want audit logs
Recording Number

ENTERPRISE Define recording number to record the audio file if you have PBX addon installed 


Trunk Count

ENTERPRISE Define the number of trunks for failover in priority based routing

Ewallet Payment Gateway

ENTERPRISE E-Wallet Payment Gateway selection

Folder Path

ASTPP logs folder path

Auto Refresh Page

Seconds to refresh the page automatically


Calling Card

Pin Retries

Set the number of retries to validate pin number

Rate AnnouncementEnable it to announce the rate of the call
Card Input TimeoutHow long do we wait when entering the calling card number? Specified in MS

Dial Input Timeout

How long do we wait when entering the destination number in calling cards? Specified in MS

General Input TimeoutHow long do we wait for input in general menus? Specified in MS
Welcome File

Set your calling card welcome file name. Keep it blank to skip the welcome greeting.

You will need to upload a recording file in the FreeSwitch Sounds folder.

IVR Count

Number of time Calling Card IVR should play

Balance AnnouncementTo enable balance playback
Card RetriesSet number of retries to validate the card number

Pin Input Timeout

How long do we wait when entering the pin number? Specified in MS

Pinless Authentication

Set enable to use ANI (Caller id) Authentication

Timelimit Announcement

Set enable it to announce the time-limit of the call

Access Number Call Flow

Direct Dial : Default call flow
IVR : Play IVR for a making call or Recharge Amount


DID Localization

If you wish to apply number translation (Localization) on DID numbers then you can select your created Localization there for the DID. This Localization will be applicable to all DID calls.


You have created DID numbers without + in the DID module but your DID provider sending calls using +, so without the Localization system wouldn't be able to identify if the call is DID call or not. To handle that such type of case, you need to create Localization from Localization module and select created Localization here. 

Play Audio NotificationsSet enable to play audio files to notify about call failure like You do not have enough balance, Your dialed number is invalid, etc. 
Voicemail NumberDefine voicemail number to listen the voicemails

Rate check for DID

Set Yes if you want to check rates for the DID calls when the system receives the call on DID number.


You have DID number 12127773333 from the XYZ provider. Now when anyone will call that DID number and call is coming from XYZ provider account then the system will check the allocated tariff plan to XYZ Provider and confirm if that is having any prefix which is starting with 1 and have balance, If yes then allow incoming call else reject the call.

Balance AnnouncementTo enable balanced playback
DebugSet enable to generate call logs in the log directory

Call Max Length

Set maximum length (in minutes) for outbound calls. 


If customer has $100 USD balance and the origination rate is $1 USD / Minute. That means the customer will be able to make 100 minutes calls to the USA. Here if the admin has defined max call length to 30 minutes then system will drop the call at 30 minutes. 

Max Free LengthSet maximum length (In minutes) for calls that are at no chargeable like package calls 

Minutes Announcement

Set enable it to announce the minutes in the call

Local Call Timeout (Sec.)

Define Local SIP2SIP ring timeout. Default 30 seconds

Hybrid Routing

Select the routing policies Least or cost based routing

Package Charge Min/SecSet used by Min or Sec
Sip Expiry TimeOutDefine sip expiry time out. By default, it is 1800
Caller Destination NumberChannel variable for set destination number
Continue On Fail DispositionSelection of disposition causes to continue the execution of dial plan
Sip ProfileSelect the sip profile

Fax (To allow in Passthrough mode)

Outbound Fax

Set enable for outbound calls

Inbound Fax

Set enable for inbound calls


Capture Server

Define the Homer server IP


Opensips DB EngineAdd DB engine name here, By default is MYSQL
OpensipsSet enable to work
Opensips DB NameSet opensips database name
Opensips DB UserSet opensips db user name
Opensips DB HostSet opensips database host
Opensips DB PassSet Opensips database password
Opensips DomainSet opensips domain/ip
Opensips Public HostSet opensps public ip

Payment Methods


Live URL

Define Paypal Live URL. Default https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr

Sandbox URL

Define Paypal Sandbox URL. Default https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr

Live IdDefine Paypal Live account id
Sandbox IdDefine Paypal Sandbox account id
EnvironmentDefine Paypal mode (Live / Sandbox)
FeeSet enable to apply fees to Customer else Admin will bare it. 


Define the Paypal tax rate (in percentage) to apply to the recharge amount


Set enable or disable

Supported Currencies

Select supported currencies



Recording Files Older Than Days

Remove recordings from directory older than defined days

Emails Older Than Days

Remove emails from table older than defined days

Deleted Accounts After Days

Remove deleted accounts from the table after defined days

Audit Logs Older Than Days

Remove audit log from table older than defined days

Invoices Older Than Days

Remove invoices from table older than the defined days

Delete CDRS Attachment After DaysRemove CDRs attachment from table older than defined days

CDRs Older Than Days

Remove CDRs from table older than defined days

Expired Accounts After Days

Removed expired accounts from the table after defined days


Starting Digit

Set account number start digits. Example: 1234 (0 = Disabled)


Set default timezone for accounts

Enable Signup

Set enable to allow customer to do signup from the login page

Default Tax

Set default taxes which you want to apply to new customers

Generate Pin

Allow to Generate Pin (Useful for Calling Card Authentication)

LC Charge / Min

Allow to LC (Local Call Charge) Charge / Min

Allow IP Management

Allow customers to manage IP based authentication from the customer portal. They can add and remove their IPs. 

Account Valid DaysAllow to valid days for the customer account
Allow max retriesSet max retries of signup with the same number or email. If exceed then block the account number and inform user to contact adminstrator
Generate InvoiceAllow to generate Invoices

Card Length

Set account number length


Set default country for accounts

Create SIP Device

Set yes to create sip device when the customer will do sign up

Account Notification

Set enable for account notification


Define CPS (Calls per second) for account

Allow Loss Less Routing

Allow Loss Less Routing

Allow Local Calls

Allow Local Calls (SIP2SIP)


Set default Localization for an account if no localization is available for created customer country. Refer Localization module

Telephone as account number

Set Yes to use Telephone number as account number

OTP Expire Time(min)

Set OTP expire time for signup

Pin Length

Set pin number length

Rate Group

Set default rate group for new customer

Initial Balance

Allocated default balance to the newly created customer

Payment Gateway Permission

Set Yes to allow account to use the Payment gateway

Concurrent Calls

Define Concurrent Calls for account

Allow Recording

Set Yes to allow call recording for account

Email Alerts?

Set Yes to allow to receive low balance notifications

Balance Below

Define low balance amount. Once customer balance goes below defined low balance amount then system will send notifications. 

Account Verification By

Set verification mode

  • Email
  • SMS 
  • Both
Customer RoleSet Customer Permission

All Settings of Signup Module will be considered as a new account template. That means either customer do signup from signup module Or admin create a new customer or admin generate accounts using mass account generate feature, the above defined settings will be applicable on newly created customer accounts. 



Set enable to activate CDR archive feature


Select Interval of archive cdrs


If Half Year selected then older than 6 Months records will be archived automatically.



Email Notifications

Set enable to send email notifications


Set yes to use SMTP and no to use Sendmail

Mail Log

Set Mail Log path

Email Logs

Set enable for the logs


SMS Notifications

Set Enable to use SMS notification

Nexmo API Key

Set API key

Nexmo Secret Key

Set Secret Key

SMS LogsSet enable for the logs

ENTERPRISE Alert Notifications (To send push notifications to mobile dialers)

Push Notifications

Set enable to use Push Notification


DID Reservation DaysSet your DID default reservation days
DID Reservation Set DID reservation enable/disable
Charge Full AmountApplicable only on the subscription category of the product

Realtime Billing


StatusSet enable to do real-time billing of calls
HeartbeatSet heartbeat in sec which check every sec billing while the running calls
AmountSet low balance amount alert
Alert TypeSet a warning or a hangup for real-time billing 

No Balance Threshold

AmountSet No balance amount alert
Alert TypeSet a warning or a hangup for real-time billing 

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