Company Profiles

Company Profiles


The Company Profile configuration in ASTPP serves as a comprehensive repository containing essential details ranging from company name and address to branding specifications. This configuration ensures a distinct identity for each parent entity, including master and sub-admins, as well as resellers. It automates the creation of profiles for parent entities upon account setup, providing them with personalized branding and identity. The details stored in the Company Profile are prominently displayed on invoices and reflected in the child customers' portals, contributing to a cohesive and branded user experience.


The primary purpose of the Company Profile configuration is to establish a unique identity and branding for each parent entity within the ASTPP system. This includes master and sub-admins, as well as resellers, who can have child customers under them. The profile settings facilitate a seamless branding experience by automatically creating profiles for parent entities upon account creation. Additionally, the Company Profile configuration includes crucial settings such as notifying child customers on applied rate changes, defining email sending preferences for invoices, and configuring invoicing-related parameters. This feature ensures flexibility and customization while maintaining a standardized and branded appearance across the platform.

How will it work?

Configuration → Company Profile

In this module, you have the ability to set up the company profile for both administrators and resellers. This information proves valuable for customizing the appearance of the portal and invoices according to individual preferences.




Name of the reseller to whom this profile belongs too

For Resellers, the system automatically creates a company profile at the time of account creation. Once that is created, then they can update it with their company information and requirement. 


Company name






Province name 


Country Name

Zip Code

Zip Code


Phone number


Fax number


Registered email address


Company website

Company Tax Number

Company Tax number.

The above configuration information will appear in the invoices. 

Invoice Configuration

Invoice Configuration

Invoice Notification

Set Yes to send invoice notifications when it will be generated

Invoice Due Notification

Set Yes to send outstanding invoice reminder 

Invoice Due Days

Define the invoice due days

Notify Before Due Days

Set number of days to send a reminder before invoice due date

Invoice Prefix

Define the Invoice prefix


If you have set the invoice prefix "INVOICE_" then the system will generate invoice number starting with this prefix like INVOICE_1001, INVOICE_1002

Reseller can also set his own Invoice Prefix for his company.

Invoice Start From

Define the Invoice start number

Generate Invoice For No Usage

If any customer has no usage for the specific time interval then what action should you want to take? Does the system should generate an invoice with 0 (Zero) amount or not. If Yes then the system will generate it.

Invoice Notice

Add Invoice not for your refernce

Invoice with CDR (PDF/CSV)

Select invoice format in CDR, PDF or CSV format

Portal Personalization (Important for UI Portal)

Portal Personalization (Important for UI Portal)


Define your company domain by which you are going to access the ASTPP portal. Based on the domain, the system will display your defined header, footer, logo, and favicon to your customers.


Set the header text which you want to show it to your customers


Set the footer text which you want to show it to your customers


Upload your company logo (Requirement: Logo (250 * 60) (Allowed Extensions JPG, PNG, JPEG))


Upload your company favicon (Requirement: Favicon (16 * 16) (Allowed Extensions ICO, PNG, JPG, JPEG))

SMTP Configurations

SMTP Configurations

Supported email client

Gmail and Microsoft 365

SMTP status

This setting allows you to enable or disable the use of SMTP for sending emails.


Specifies the hostname or IP address of the SMTP server. This is the address where your application will connect to send emails.


Defines the port number on which the SMTP server is listening for incoming connections. Common ports include 25 (unencrypted), 587 (submission), and 465 (secure, typically for SSL/TLS). The specific port depends on your SMTP server's configuration.


If authentication is required by the SMTP server, this field is for specifying the username or account that your application will use to authenticate when connecting to the SMTP server.

SMTP Password

If authentication is required, this field is for specifying the password associated with the SMTP user account.


This setting related to adding a signature to outgoing emails, and it also mentions allowed file extensions (PNG, JPG, JPEG) for the signature files.

Fall Back Mechanism of SMTP Configuration for Reseller

Reseller's SMTP details are not configured or incomplete, the system seamlessly falls back to using the admin's SMTP settings. This ensures uninterrupted email notifications and communication. 

Reseller SMTP Status

SMTP Configuration Status


Reseller SMTP Status

SMTP Configuration Status


Enabled but Not Configured

Reseller-specific SMTP details are not configured or incomplete.

Admin SMTP details will be used for email notifications.

Enabled and Configured

Reseller-specific SMTP details are correctly configured and SMTP is enabled.

Reseller's SMTP details will be used for email notifications.


Reseller-specific SMTP details are configured correctly, but SMTP is disabled.

Email notifications will not work for reseller’s customers in any case, neither through reseller nor admin.


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