Charge History

Charge History


The Charge History feature stands as a critical component within the billing solution, serving as a vital tool for controlling service volumes and pricing transparency. While invoices are indispensable for managing services and prices, the detailed breakdown provided by Charge History enhances business transparency.


The primary purpose of Charge History in ASTPP is to offer users, whether admin or customers, a comprehensive report that delves into the intricacies of invoice specifications. This detailed breakdown sheds light on every charge applied to a user's account, providing a thorough understanding of the factors affecting their balance.

Additionally, Charge History goes beyond mere specification by offering predictive insights. Admins and customers can leverage this feature to anticipate the services covered in the upcoming month's invoices. This proactive information empowers users to manage their services effectively, ensuring optimal utilization and strategic decision-making.

How will it work?

Billing --> Charges History


Grid Field Description

Grid Field Description

Created Date

Date indicate the date and time when the specific entries has been generated.

Invoice Number

Invoice number is reference number of invoices in which the specific transaction has been billed. If the transaction has not billed yet that time you can fine it blank.


Accounts is the refers the customer or reseller account number for whom this entries has been generated.

Charge Type

Charge Type is a field which can identify the type of charges or income added on your account with sort code. the detail meaning for all charge type has been described here.


Any type of charges which is manually added by the admin for any kind of special services or on behalf of settlement is logged as a POSTCHARGE

Please keep a note that POSTCHARGE is a one type of charges which is going to be deduct from the account balance of the customer so it will be logged a debit amount.


When ever any DID has been assigned/renewed/ordered for any account at that time this transaction has been logged into the system and it will be appears here with charge type DID


When ever any package has been assigned/renewed/ordered for any account at that time this transaction has been logged into the system and it will be appears here with charge type PACKAGE


When ever any subscription has been assigned/renewed/ordered for any account at that time this transaction has been logged into the system and it will be appears here with charge type SUBSCRIPTION


In case of any account recharge has been done using VOUCHER that time the transaction has been logged into the system and it will be appears here with charge type VOUCHER


Whatever the taxes has been assigned to the customer it will be applicable on any transaction.


Whenever the account has been refilled either by customer (using payment gateway) or admin (Manual Recharge) this transaction has been logged into the system with charge type REFILL


If reseller will sold admin’s created products to their customer that time reseller will get some benefits in terms of product commission so that type of transaction has been listed here with charge type COMMISSION


Description contains the detail information about the transaction.


Reseller is parent entity of the accounts to whom this transaction has been logged.

Before Balance

Before balance is indicates existing account balance before the transaction logged into the system for specific account.


Any type of amount which are paid by customer/resellers to admin or reseller on behalf of charges or services subscription is logged here.


Any type of amount which is credited to reseller or customer on behalf of selling of product or recharge has been logged here.

After Balance

After balance is indicates existing account balance after the transaction logged into the system for specific account.

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