Audit Log

Audit Log


The Audit Log in ASTPP serves as a comprehensive record of all web portal accesses across different entity/user levels. It captures information on the pages accessed, the operating system used, the browser employed, and the timestamp of each access. This feature is designed to enhance security measures by tracking user interactions within the platform.


The primary purpose of the Audit Log is to provide a detailed account of web portal usage at various entity/user levels. This information is invaluable for security purposes, allowing administrators to monitor and analyze access patterns. Additionally, the Audit Log offers insights into user behavior, enabling administrators to make informed decisions, optimize user experience, and potentially identify opportunities for marketing campaigns based on usage patterns within the ASTPP platform.

How will it work?

Menu Location: Report → Audit Logs

The entries for web portal access attempts in the Audit Log can be filtered using a wide range of search parameters, as showin in above screen shot. This extensive searchability empowers administrators to conduct detailed and precise searches, ensuring the retrieval of accurate and filtered data.

Screenshot from 2024-01-02 17-24-12.png






Display logs accounts

Request URI

Path wise request


On which time and date 

Client IP

Display the request originate IP address 

Client User Agent

User-agent and site 

Referer Page

The visited page URI


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