Time condition

Time condition

  • Time conditions are used to manage call flow based on time and date.
  • Time Condition make a time group. You can set Time Conditions for DID(inbound call). When a call comes on DID and routes in the Time Condition destination, the PBX will check the current system time and date in time groups in the Time Condition.

For example:-

  • Create a Time Condition called "Lunch Break" that starts at 12:00 p.m. and ends at 1:00 p.m. In your inbound route, set the Time Condition destination to any other call route that will be available at that time as per your preference.
  • Create a Time Condition called "Working Hours" that defines your normal office hours. Apply the Time Condition to your inbound route.
  • You can also apply the Time Condition in your outbound route to prevent employees from making outbound calls outside office hours.

Menu Location: Inbound -> Time Conditions





Identify the Time Condition using the name


Create a Time Condition under the selected account.


Set Time Condition status Active/Inactive

Created Date

Display create date of Time Condition

Modified Date

Display the last modified conference date.

Extensions call Type

Set extension call type based on main condition or fail-over condition.

Extensions Destinations

Set extension destination basis on extension call type main condition or fail-over condition.

Start Hour

For condition need to configure hour date month year basis on this call will route in time condition.

End Hour

Week Day

Month Day




Call route on a condition basis on priority.

  • Admin can route the calls from the above lists given in the screenshot, now also route the calls specifically in voicemail too.

Note: After calling routes on the PSTN number we can't able to set/use failover on the PSTN destination number.

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