How the low balance alert works? [Enterprise]

How the low balance alert works? [Enterprise]

A low balance notification alert was developed to send an alert to customers about the low balance of accounts.

It works based on a defined threshold.

When the balance or account credit goes below a certain threshold the system sends an email alert to the customer about the low balance alert.

The configuration can be customer specific, customer on their own can do it for their parent entity can do that too

Now go to the customer profile and select the alert threshold option as mentioned below.





Email Alerts

Enable or disable email alert for the low balance notification.

Balance Below

Define the threshold to send low balance notification.

Auto Refill

Enable or disable auto-refill functionality [If pre-configured payment method allowing such systematic deduction]

Refill Amount

Defined the amount you want to topup the account when it has low balance [If pre-configured payment method allowing such systematic deduction]

Occurrence per day

How many time the automatic topup should be occurred by the system in a day for the specific account. [If pre-configured payment method allowing such systematic deduction]

Low balance alert handled by the back-end cron services which is run once a day and checks customers’s account balance which should not be lower than the defined threshold.
If the system finds the account balance is below the defined threshold, then it sends an immediate alert to the customer about Top-up their account balance by refill.

Cron services are configured on daily basis so the email alert for the Low Balance Notification will be sent only once in a day. so in case of there is a low balance found on account still user will get the notification at the midnight only.


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