Increment and Initial Increment
Increment and Initial Increment
- Increment: Increment is deducted when the call is established for.
- Initial increment: Initial increment is deducted when the call is still connected after 1 sec also.
- Admin will add the seconds in increment and initial increment as per the requirement in origination rates, as shown in the below screenshot:
Menu Location : Tariff→ Origination Rates
- If one will dial a number, when the call is established for 1 sec it will deduct the cost by increment and after the on-going call, after every 60 sec gap it will deduct from initial increment.
- Let’s take one example for the same, how it will deduct the rates as per the seconds mentioned in increment and initial increment .
Below is the configuration of origination rate - Cost per minute= 1
- Initial Increment= 1
- Increment = 60
- Rest of the value will assume 0
- Customer established a call, on 1 sec the system will generate debit = 1/60 = 0.0167, Where 60 seconds is increment.
- Then for 2 sec to 60 sec = 1 rs (that is for 60 sec ) + 0.0167 (that is for 1 sec) = 1.0167
- Then for 61 sec to 120 sec = 1 + 1 + 0.0167 = 2.0167
- For further reference you can see the below screenshot.
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