Account number range as per your requirements

  • We have an addon named account number range, which is very important and useful to create customer, provider and reseller accounts with your selected number range.

  • In order to use this feature or configurations you need to install the Account Range addon from the Community.

  • After installing that addon, you will find an extra option added in configurations - settings -- account.

  • After that if you want to set your own range for customer . reseller and provider then you can set it.

As mentioned below screenshot we have to set a range for

  1. Customer - 100-200
  2. Reseller - 201-400
  3. Provider -401-600
Configuration → Settings → Account

Now with the above configurations, we will create a customer account, reseller account and provider account.

1 . We have created one test customer account with the set configurations, please check the below screenshot for your reference.

  • Customer - 100-200

2. We have created one reseller account with the set configurations. Please check the below screenshot for reference.

  • Reseller - 201-400

3. We have created one provider account with the set configurations. Please check the below screenshot for reference.

  • Provider -401-600