Company Profiles.

Company Profiles.

In this module, you can define the company profile of admin and resellers. That will be useful in Portal and Invoice Personalization. 



Name of the reseller to whom this profile belongs too

For Resellers, the system automatically creates a company profile at the time of account creation. Once that is created, they can update it with their company information and requirements. 


Company name






Province name 


Country Name

Zip Code

Zip Code


Phone number


Fax number


Registered email address


Company website

Company Tax Number

Company Tax number.

The above configuration information will appear in the invoices. 

Invoice Configuration

Invoice Notification

Set Yes to send invoice notifications when it will be generated

Invoice Due Notification

Set Yes to send outstanding invoice reminder 

Invoice Due Days

Define the invoice due days

Notify Before Due Days

Set the number of days to send a reminder before the invoice due date

Invoice Prefix

Define the Invoice prefix


If you have set the invoice prefix "INVOICE_" then the system will generate invoice numbers starting with this prefix like INVOICE_1001, INVOICE_1002

The reseller can also set his own Invoice Prefix for his company.

Invoice Start From

Define the Invoice start number


If you have set the invoice to start from the number "2000" then the new invoice will be generated from the 2001 number.

The reseller can also set his own Invoice Start From for his company.

Generate Invoice For No Usage

If any customer has no usage for the specific time interval then what action should you want to take? Does the system generate an invoice with a 0 (Zero) amount or not? If Yes then the system will generate it.

Portal Personalization (Important for UI Portal)


Define the company domain by which you are going to access the ASTPP portal. Based on the domain, the system will display your defined header, footer, logo, and favicon to your customers.

Do not use http://,https:// and www. while adding the domain here.

After defining the domain, if you will try to access the ASTPP portal using IP or a different domain then it will load the default ASTPP header, footer, logo, and favicon. 


Set the header text which you want to show to your customers


Set the footer text that you want to show to your customers


Upload your company logo (Requirement: Logo (250 * 60) (Allowed Extensions JPG, PNG, JPEG))


Upload your company favicon (Requirement: Favicon (16 * 16) (Allowed Extensions ICO, PNG, JPG, JPEG))

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