Configure package for reseller

Configure package for reseller

How to configure the package for resellers?

  • ASTPP does not allow resellers to add their packages on the system but resellers have the facility to resell Admin’s packages to customers by adding some margin.

Step-by-step guide to reseller admin’s package.

  1. Login as a reseller

  2. Navigate to 

Where can we find it?

Menu Location :  Services → Products

  1. Select the drop-down value “Parent Product” from the top right corner of the grid.

  2. It will redirect you to the available product list which is added by the admin.


3. Now click on the Optin button on the grid that you would like to add to your account.

4. By clicking on the Optin button it will open a popup form where the reseller can modify the package price.

5. After modification and change in price just click on the “Save” button.

6. It will add a package on the reseller panel and reseller customers are able to see this package with modified price and details.

ASTPP system offers two type of resellers.

  • Reseller as a Distributor: Distributor type of reseller allows to add a margin on package cost. they will only have earning on the margin they have added on package cost.

  • Reseller as a Normal Reseller type of reseller will work based on the commission so whatever the percentage(%) admin have defined, reseller will get the commission on product selling to their customers.

  • Reseller is reselling admin’s product so whenever any reseller’s customer place an order for this package there are two separate order will be placed. one for reseller and other for customer.

  • Whatever the admin has been paid by the customer will be credited to reseller’s account and the base cost will be debited from reseller’s account.


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