Voicemail in ASTPP

Voicemail in ASTPP

  • This is for sip-to-sip calls.

  • For example, you have 2 sip devices under the customer as below.

  • Now we are dialing calls from one sip device 38xx to 22xx but due to some reason or unavailability.

  • 22xx sip device rejected or did not accept the call.

  • Once the call is rejected, it will ask the 38xx device to record a message for device 22xx.

  • Now 22xx  wants to hear that recorded message then to hear that recording you need to go to sip device edit and inside sip device, you will find the below options.

  • Note- If you have voicemail is set to true only, then you will be able to hear the recording. Otherwise, when sip 1 rejects a call, it will directly cut the call without asking for voicemail.

EnableKeep voicemail True/False
PasswordYou can set it to any 
Mail To Add mail address
Attached FileTo attached file 
Local After EmailTrue/False
Send All Message True/False
  • To hear the voicemail you need to dial 7777 from sip device 22xx and after that, it will ask you for the password for that you need to use the below password from the sip device edit and after entering the password it will play the recording.

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