How to use API PostMan
How to use API PostMan
Creating a collection
- To create the collection in postman we need to add the collection link in import https://www.getpostman.com/collections/946ded4610702c170e87
- As shown in the below screenshot, we need to add the link and click on continue.
- After that it will ask to confirm the import as below shown.
- After importing the collection, it will appear in the left side of the postman.
- All the details which is their in ASTPP system will be define from this collection
Creating an Environment
- On the right side there is "No Environment " option and one symbol also, we need to click on eye symbol as shown in below screenshot in order to create the environment .
- Click on the Add Environment
- After that as shown below, here you need to add Variable, Initial vale and current value.
- Variable and initial values are same for all the system, we need to add common variable and initial value like below:
- You need to add auth token as:-
x_auth_token - nOcBurg5KvyurOri8A9ds3rXWafZ99Du
- Then after add the URL of your portal:-
api_url -
- Token will generate after we login the admin account of the given URL
How to login in portal through API
- You need to add this path: {{api_url}}/api/login/ in the post section as shown in below screenshot, then click on body field from the below mentioned fields.
- There you can see the JSON format code , you need to add username and password .
- Then click on the SEND which is there in Blue colour.
- After clicking on SEND button, you will see if the code run successfully or not.
- If it will run successfully it will generate on the right side as true, as shown in the below screenshot.
- After successfully login in to the admin portal, there is one token on the right side of the postman where we got status:"true", we can find the token for it in the last few lines of our response, as shown below.
- We can add this token in our environment which we create above in third section of token.
- If the code will not run successfully it will generate false error on the place of true, it means that login is unsuccessful.
Three reasons for unsuccessful login
- First of all if we do not have installed API addon in portal then it will run the below error.
- If the addon is installed then we need to check the Auth token, if that is added wrongly then it will run the below error.
- Then we need to check the URL , if that is added wrongly then it will run the below error.
, multiple selections available,
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