


Queue is a call center app which allows you to make custom call queues with assigned priorities.

FIFO stands for "First In, First Out". As calls enter the queue, they are arranged in order so that the call that has been in the queue for the longest time will be the first call to get answered. Generally FIFO call queues are used in "first come, first served" call scenarios such as customer service call centers.

Where did you find the Queue configuration?

Inbound -> Queue



Top right you can create a Queue


To delete an entry for any Queue

While click on "Create" you will find below 




Queue using name

StatusSet Queue status Active/Inactive
ResellerDisplay the account number if it is from reseller


Create Queue under selected account

Agent Dial Number

Define Agent dial number to login into Queue

Once agent complete the call and customer hangup, agent call will also get disconnected. So, they will need to redial "Agent Dial Number" to login again into Queue.

Music on HoldWhile keeping hold if you need to put any music you can choose 

Agent Back-Tone

Select the Tone which you want to play to the Agent. You can select Audio file or tone.

Customer Back-Tone

Select the tone which you want to play to the Customer. You can select Audio file or tone.


Add some description for particular Queue

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