Call Screening feature
Call Screening feature
- It’s a feature of Ring Group(PBX Addon), once a call comes on Ring Group before the call routes to a defined destination, we can ask the caller to record a message, so the destination(agent) can understand the requirement/___ of caller.
How it will work/Install/Configure?
Get Addon → Premium → Multi Tanent IP PBX
- It’s part of the PBX addon so once we install the PBX addon from Premium a new field Call Screening will add in the customer edit, here we can Enable/Disable Call Screening customer-wise.
- If it disables it does not come into the picture.
- But if it is enabled, whenever a call comes on Ring Group before the call connects with the destination we give the option to caller for record a message throw IVR, once caller record message call rings on destination(agent) number, and the call answered by destination of ring group, first we play a recorded message to destination side, mean time caller put on hold stage and play MOH on the caller side.
- After hearing the message destination will choose three options 1) connect with the caller 2) disconnect the call 3) send a caller to voicemail.
- If the caller connects with the destination, the call will connect with the destination.
- If the destination rejects the call, the call will be rejected.
- If the destination chooses the voicemail option caller will go to voicemail and be asked to record voicemail and voicemail send to on defined voicemail user in RIng Group.
, multiple selections available,
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